Call for Track Chairs: Artificial Intelligence Versus Human Intelligence, 23rd Sustainability International Conference, 10-12 April 2025 Morocco 

Call for Track Chairs
Managing Knowledge for a Sustainable Future: Artificial Intelligence Versus Human Intelligence
World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)
23rd Sustainability International Conference
10-12 April 2025

WASD is pleased to invite nominations for track chairs who will be interested in supporting WASD’s 23rd Sustainability International Conference entitled “Managing Knowledge for a Sustainable Future: Artificial Intelligence Versus Human Intelligence”, organised by WASD and global partners in the period 10-12 April 2025, Morocco.

More details about the conference can be found here:

The Track Chairs will help the conference organising committee in selecting and reviewing the papers submitted for the conference. You can either chair any of the exiting research tracks ( or propose any new research track to be included.

Please note your duties as Track Chair include:

  1. Promote your particular track, nationally and internationally.
  2. Liaise with your co-chair (where applicable) in all matters, particularly the selection of reviewers and recommendations for acceptance for presentation and/or publication in proceedings.
  3. Develop a list of track reviewers with their particulars: i.e., name, title, institutional affiliation, mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers. We will need to acknowledge all reviewers in the conference proceedings at a later stage.
  4. Conduct the paper review process. Please pay attention to the deadlines below:
  • Deadline for Abstract: 25 September 2024
  • Deadline for Full Paper Submission: 30 October 2024
  1. Each paper should be identified with the track name (or abbreviation), an individual number, the title and whether it is for a Competitive session or Research-in-progress (e.g. Science Technology & Innovation (or STI) -01C Sustainable Advantage for a competitive paper or STI-002R Sustainable Advantage for a research-in-progress paper. Kindly copy the OC ( on all communications with your reviewers.
  1. Each paper should be double-blind reviewed by the same (2-3) people. Please note that you should give greater flexibility to papers that are research-in-progress.
  1. Send all papers that you finally accept after the revision process to the conference programme Chair (

Please also note that letters of confirmation/visa will only be sent to those participants who have already submitted their papers and registered to attend the conference. Therefore, please ask all authors to register online ASAP.

You also need to register online ASAP so that we have a complete tentative list of participants. As a track chair you will receive a 50% discount of the conference registration fee, provided that you manage to collect at least three papers (individual track chairs) excluding your own paper(s), or at least five papers, excluding your own paper(s), in the case of more than one chair for each track. If, however, you manage to collect more than five papers in your track (individual chairs) or more than eight papers (co-chairs), excluding your own paper(s), then we are happy to waive your entire registration fee.

Please note as a Track Chair you will be provided with full track chair KIT, including all templates and letters ready to use for authors and reviewers.

Please browse WASD website and the various conference webpages for full details and contact WASD International Co-ordinator Mrs Janet Snow via email ( with your nomination and/or if you have any question(s).

Looking forward to receiving your application.

Kind Regards,