University of Airlangga (Indonesia) UNAIR Invites European Experts to Speed Up Internationalization

Universitas Airlangga continues to improve its position among the best universities in the world. According to QS World University Ranking, UNAIR is in position # 651-700 and ranks 5th best in Indonesia. One of the efforts is working with various international institutions, which leads to improving university quality.
Furthermore, UNAIR invited Sustainable Premium Education Consultancy Services (SPECS). A consulting company that improves the quality of higher education by providing relevant, innovative, and sustainable solutions to help and support the development of a higher education institution.
Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Moh Nasih welcomed the delegation from SPECS on Friday, July 26 at 4th Floor Rector Room, Campus C Management Building, UNAIR Mulyorejo. The UK-based consultant team from SPECS consists of Prof. Alam Elnour Osman Ahmed, Prof. Nabil El Kadhi, Dr. Minerva Bunagan and led by Prof. Mohammed Saeed, Executive Vice Chairman, and Co-Founder.
There were also Vice Rector I Prof. Djoko Santoso, Executive Director of AGE Prof. Nyoman, and other leaders during the event.
In the meeting, Prof. Mohammed Saeed said that he conducted a gap analysis and helped UNAIR in reaching a higher position. He said UNAIR was on the right track to achieve its goal of reaching the 500th rank in the world, but there must be more progression.
“It has been running well and on the right track. Besides, to be at 500 World Class University, UNAIR still has to improve certain aspects and also have more internationally recognized programs, “said Prof. Saeed.
After a meeting with Rector, SPECS team held a workshop on quality assurance and institutional leadership. Prof. Alam conveyed four things in leadership: influence, integrity, inspire, and improvement. Integrity includes character, competence, and consistency. The SPECS consultant also expressed the importance of UNAIR to align its Higher Education of Tri Dharma activities with 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Meanwhile, Prof. Nabil said that internationalization is the best way to improve the quality of an institution.
Prof. Djoko Santoso, UNAIR Vice Rector 1 in his closing remarks hoped for support from the SPECS Consultant team in the next year to achieve the targets and mandates given by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in reaching Top 500 at QS WUR 2021.
“We are very grateful and expect your support (Prof. Saeed, ed) to accompany us towards Top 500 World Class University,” he said.
The day before SPECS Team had also conducted workshops and panel discussion with several related units about UNAIR’s strategic plan and strategy for achieving internationalization towards World Class University. (*)
Author: Andi Pramono