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The World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) is a global forum that brings together experts from across the world to discuss issues relating to sustainable development, science and technology management. The aim of WASD is to promote the exchange of knowledge, experience, information and ideas among academics, scholars, professionals, policy makers, industry and students to improve the mutual understanding of the roles of science and technology in achieving sustainable development all over the world. To meet this aim, WASD runs global conferences and seminars, publishes high-quality refereed journals and books, and organises international development projects. WASD works with a wide range of institutions, such as universities, research centres and governmental departments all over the world, particularly in the developing countries. We provide professionals, researchers and policymakers with the best available scientific evidence when contributing to better technological and economic development for all within the populations they serve. WASD therefore helps in reducing the gap between rich and poor countries by providing access to critical information. If you would like to know more about WASD please watch the videos below as well as download our PDF brochures.

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