Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Digital Transformation to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Hosted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and sponsored by Centre for Ethical Finance, Law and Communities (CEFLAC), University of East London (UEL)
Target audience: Private sector, business, SMEs, academics, researchers, UN agencies, NGOs, civil society groups, youth, students and other stakeholders
Focus: Public-Private-Partnership, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), business, investment, global, science, technology, innovation, R&D, managers and directors responsible for transformation, project, programme, knowledge, innovation or change management, academics including researchers and students who are interested in artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DT), and entrepreneurs who are looking for establishing their own firms and SMEs.
Welcome and overview
Making science, innovation and research work for SDGs (WASD/UN sustainability conferences 2019)
Allam Ahmed, Founding President WASD, UK
Role of data science in sustainable development
Rabie Saidi, Lead Data Scientist, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge – UK
Using crowdfunding to finance the UN’s SDGs
Michele Scataglini, Director INSTA Associates Ltd, UK
Artificial intelligence and digital transformation for sustainable education
Rawad Hammad, Researcher and Senior Education Solutions Analyst, King’s College London, UK
Improving gender responsive urban governance and SDG monitoring through evidence based interventions
Siraj Sait, Director of Research, College of Professional Services, University of East London, UK
Tailored Functional Recipes (TFR): local food to impact undernourishment and sustain global health
Ihab Tewfik, Programme Leader Human Nutrition, University of Westminster, UK
Strengthening the policy research uptake in service of the 2030
Petru Dumitriu, Coordinator, UN Policy Research Project, Joint Inspection Unit, United Nations Office at Geneva
Discussion and reflection
This roundtable aims at exploring the potential of AI-enabled DT to achieve SDGs, where further reflections on examples from health care, education, finance and other domains will be provided. During the event, you will learn how to become engaged with the United Nations system and explore the opportunities to participate in the World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) 17th International Annual Conference and 6th Diaspora International Conference co-organised and hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya, 10-12 June 2019. The two conferences represent a golden opportunity for selected international public and private organisations that play and continue to play a key role in achieving the 2030 SDGs to participate in this prestigious platform and showcase their past, present and future projects, services and/or initiatives to the whole world including top experts in the field of Sustainable Development, Ministers, UN and high government officials and policy makers, company directors, academics, NGOs, women, youth, etc. Among the many benefits of attending the conference, during the event you will learn about how you can find new clients from across the world; build relationships with the decision makers; meet many UN officials, ministers and leading individuals and institutions from around the world; enhance your organisation’s profile internationally; and network directly with key ministries and government officials from across the world.
The event will also introduce the latest update from the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) policy research project A.435 entitled “Strengthening the policy research uptake in service of the 2030“ which include issues such as: the role of science, innovation and research in service of the 2030 Agenda; how institutions reflect the SDGs in their own research activities; and how the UN system is properly using scientific research in finding solutions to global problems?.
Digital Transformation is currently one of the most substantive initiatives that many organisations need to efficiently achieve SDGs. Such DT is supported by various technologies such as Robotics, Internet of Things and Augmented/Virtual Reality. Nonetheless, AI remains the invaluable keystone in any DT strategy due to its ability to seamlessly perform complex tasks. Such AI technologies stretch from simple AI techniques such as AI-enabled search algorithms through complex and more advanced techniques such as Machine and Deep Learning, Genetic Algorithms, Reasoning, Neural Network, Natural Language Processing, Semantic and Knowledge Representation. Nowadays, AI-enabled services exist everywhere from recommending a product on Amazon or movie on Netflix to providing offers for certain insurance company. This is due to AI technologies ability to seamlessly analyse data and learn from analysis to take decisions that maximise the end user benefits. However, successful implementation of AI techniques does not solely rely on pure AI technologies, it needs supportive processes and resources.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)
Centre for Ethical Finance, Law and Communities (CEFLAC), University of East London (UEL)
Middle Eastern Knowledge Economy Institute (MEKEI)