The most profound and encouraging change in African economies over the past decade has been the rapid advancement towards integration into the global economy. Concurrent with institutional reforms are policies to improve the conditions for enterprise to thrive and provide a dynamic source of growth. The significance of the changes taking place in Africa to promote entrepreneurship as a force for development cannot be underestimated. There is much at stake in continuing this process of scaling up entrepreneurship as a dynamic process towards sustainable development. There is still a lot to learn about how African countries are applying ‘enterprise solutions’ to the problems of economic deprivations. Without doubt, success in entrepreneurship is crucially important in the much expected economic renaissance of Africa. The reality, however, is that the essential characters of entrepreneurial landscapes in many Africa nations are profoundly changing in ways that require new modes of thought, analysis and explanation. Accordingly, this book offers cutting-edge contributions aimed at unpacking the paradoxes of entrepreneurship in African contexts and provide an overview of SD in relation to entrepreneurship; patterns and growth trajectories, development impacts, networks, institutions and identities, challenges, changing contexts and prospects. This book represents the outcome of many comprehensive research programs undertaken in different countries in Africa and other parts of the world covering a wide geographical spectrum and written by renowned international experts in the field.
ContentsSECTION – I: Introduction
Marking the landscape of enterprise-led development (Sonny Nwankwo & Allam Ahmed)
SECTION – II: Concepts and African Dimensions
Family- owned businesses in Africa: Successorship issues and suggestions (Joseph Fola Aiyeku, Jerry Kolo & Bolajoko Dixon-Ogbechi)
Facilitating entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa: What governments can do (Ven Sriram & Tigineh Mersha)
Promoting Economic Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship (Effiong Akpan)
The impact of risk management on entrepreneurial growth and development (Edna Stan-Maduka)
How far can energy investments promote sustainable economic growth in Africa? (John Adams)
SECTION – III: Country-Specific Perspectives
The Creation of New Firms: Empirical Evidences and Policy Repercussions from Cape Verde (António Carrizo Moreira)
Problems experienced by spaza shops (small African family groceries shops ) in 3rd World Countries: The case of South Africa (Louise van Scheers)
An Exploratory Study of Owner/Manager Characteristics, Firm Characteristics and External Factors Influencing SME
Growth in Nigeria (Atsede Woldie & Adebimpe Adesua)
Collaborative relationships, procurement practices and supply chain performance: The case of small and medium enterprises in Uganda (Joseph Mpeera Ntayi & Sarah Eyaa)
Accounting and Auditing Standards in Libya (Nassr Ahmad & H. Gin Chong)
Training as an innovative strategy in fostering growth and sustainability in Cameron (Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb)
Fostering entrepreneurship education in South Africa: the role of sector education training authorities (SETA) (Kachesa E Bbenkele & Alain A. Ndedi)
SECTION – IV: Globalisation and the Role of Diaspora
Globalisation or Restructuring and Reproduction of Capital? (Tidings P Ndhlovu)
Globalisation and international relations: opportunities and threats for South Africa (C. M. van der Bank)
Cross Border Entrepreneurship and Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria: An Exploratory of the Lebanese (Charles J. Mambula)
Researching African entrepreneurship in the UK (Sonny Nwankwo, Nnamdi Madichie & Frances Ekwulugo)
African SMEs in the British Economy (Joe Ukemenam)
Entrepreneurship and the African Diaspora (Ken Ife)
Profiling Black African Entrepreneurs in the UK (Sonny Nwankwo)
Entrepreneurship and SMEs in London (UK): Evaluating the role of black Africans in this emergent sector (Frances Ekwulugo)
Exploring whether London based Black African Businesses are more likely to Fail, Falter or Flourish (Cordelia Osewa-Ediae)
Black British business people: the emerging business force in London (Eric Osei)
Ethnicity and entrepreneurship: African-Caribbean entrepreneurship in the UK (Patrick Azubuike Okonta)
Marketing practices of African and Caribbean small businesses in London, UK (Charles Blankson, Ogenyi E. Omar & Trang Tran)