SPRU) hosted WASD main office in the UK for the period 2004-2019. During this period, SPRU hosted and supported several activities of WASD. In the period 24-25 January 2009, Brighton, UK, SPRU partially sponsored WASD’s inaugural international conference of WASD’s Diaspora International Initiative entitled “The Role of Diaspora in Technology Transfer and Achieving Sustainable Development in Sudan“. The conference is organised in partnership and collaboration with the UNESCO Chair on Transfer of Technology (UNESCOTT) and since then there has been significant participation of Diaspora from all over the world during all the conferences. SPRU’s Director Professor Gordon MacKerron and the Dean of Sussex Business School, Professor Steven McGuire also participated in the 2nd Diaspora International Conference organised in the 11-12 June, 2015 in Brighton, United Kingdom. The conference theme focused on the Role of universities and research institutions in managing knowledge for a sustainable inclusive growth in Sudan.