Developing Climate Resilience: Using Innovation, Science, and Technology for Sustainable Development (Submit Online)

Guest Editors:

Dr Muhammad Shabbir

York St John University, UK

Dr Arshad Mahmood

European Sustainable Research Outreach, Germany


Achieving sustainable development objectives requires increasing climate resilience, mainly due to the increasing frequency and severity of climate-related disasters. Science, technology, and innovation are fundamental to the development of adaptive strategies and solutions. The purpose of this special issue is to explore how innovation, science, and technology can be assimilated in order to realize sustainable development goals. This issue aims to explore possible collaborations between different fields to combat climate change and promote sustainability. Through case studies, theoretical frameworks, and empirical research, we aim to provide practical insights that guide scholars, practitioners, and policymakers in their endeavors to improve sustainable development and reinforce climate resilience.

This special issue explores how science, technology, and innovation can be used to craft sustainable development solutions that are climate-resilient. Since climate change poses serious hazards to ecosystems, cultures, and economies everywhere, proactive measures are necessary to adapt to and reduce its effects. However, in order to effectively develop climate resilience, we must bridge the gap between scientific understanding, technical innovation, and real-world applications. To improve climate resilience and achieve sustainable development goals, this special issue is examining novel ideas, techniques, and case studies that demonstrate how science, technology, and innovation can be used. A special issue devoted to this topic offers conclusions and suggestions to practitioners, policymakers, and researchers in order to help them develop climate resilience plans and solutions.


Using innovation, science, and technology for sustainable development is in line with the subject of the conference, which highlights the growing importance of innovation, research, and technology in resilience and disaster mitigation. Researchers have studied how adaptation to climate change dangers is enhanced by technical innovations such as climate-smart agriculture and renewable energy (Abegunde et al., 2019; Hussain et al., 2022; Teklu et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2023). By diminishing the effects on water resources, agriculture, and energy systems, these developments help communities better adapt to changing climatic circumstances. Studies by different research scholars further highlight how crucial it is to combine scientific research and data-driven methodologies in order to proficiently monitor climate adaption programs (Bibri, 2021; Ghosh, 2024; Grillone et al., 2020; Bibri, 2021).

As established by developments like green infrastructure and nature-based policies, innovative technologies are essential for increasing climate resilience (Thorn et al., 2021; Boateng et al., 2023; Lee and Song, 2024; Fang and Ma, 2023; Argyroudis et al., 2020). These strategies address the problems postured by climate change in a sustainable and economical manner while protecting biodiversity, preventing flooding, and sequestering carbon. By leveraging ecosystems and natural processes, these solutions help communities become more resilient to climate change. Additionally, it is serious to capitalize in research and development (R&D) in order to foster creative thinking and develop fresh methods to climate security (Liu et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2023). Governments, businesses, and communities may work together to develop and implement innovative technologies and methods to effectively tackle climate change by promoting a culture of innovation and collaboration (Zuccaro et al., 2020; Pandey et al., 2022).

As established by advancements such as nature-based policies and green infrastructure, innovative technologies are critical to cultivating climate resilience (Boateng et al., 2023; Fang et al., 2023). Permeable paths, urban forests, green roofs, and other nature-based solutions that help control storm-water runoff, lessen the effects of urban heat islands, and improve air quality are all comprised in the category of “green infrastructure” (Elliott et al., 2020; Jessup et al., 2021). Similar to this, nature-based policies use natural ecosystems to reduce climate risk and increase resilience. Examples of these methods include reforestation, coastal restoration, and wetlands conservation (Seddon, 2022; Jordan and Fröhle, 2022; Calliari et al., 2022). These developments show how efficiently incorporating natural processes into initiatives for climate adaptation might result in sustainable and inexpensive solutions to climate-related issues.

For example, take down the risk of urban flooding, endorsing biodiversity, and refining water quality are just a few advantages of green infrastructure initiatives in cities (Hamel and Tan, 2022). Mangrove restoration is one example of a nature-based method that has shown to be successful in both preserving coastal towns from erosion and storm surges and contribution a home for marine life (Jordan and Fröhle, 2022; Temmerman et al., 2023 Sunkur et al., 2023). By boosting community well-being, generating green jobs, and progressing public health, these cutting-edge technologies not only benefit the environment but also society and the economy. Building climate resilience and accomplishing sustainable development goals thus depend on the deployment of cutting-edge technology like green infrastructure and nature-based policy (Oktaviani and Masjud, 2024; Pandey and Ghosh, 2023).

However, despite the improvements in science and technology, challenges continue in implementing successful climate resilience programs. Institutional barriers, insufficient technological infrastructure, and resource scarcity are among the problems that need to be addressed. Furthermore, it is essential to conduct further research to assess the scalability and replicability of climate resilience solutions, particularly for vulnerable populations and regions. This research is crucial for ensuring the successful implementation of climate resilience strategies and the achievement of sustainable development goals. Thus, by leveraging innovative technologies and developing a collaborative approach, societies can enhance their resilience to climate change and pave the way for a more sustainable future.


Innovation, science, and technology must come together to create climate resilience in order to fulfill the goals of sustainable development. This special issue fills a significant knowledge gap by offering insights into practical strategies, best practices, and interferences for increasing climate resilience. It endorses global initiatives to build more resilient and sustainable societies and speaks to the growing interest in addressing climate-related distresses through innovation and technology.

Topics of Interest:

We welcome submissions of original research, case studies, conceptual papers, and review articles on the following subjects (without limitation):

  1. Cutting-edge solutions for climate resilience, like healthy infrastructure and climate-smart agriculture.
  2. Integrating data analytics and scientific research into planning for resilience and climate adaption.
  3. Obstacles and difficulties in putting local, regional, and international climate resilience projects into action.
  4. Institutional systems and policy frameworks for nurturing climate resilience innovation.
  5. Community-based methods for constructing resilience and adapting to the environment.
  6. Advancements in technology for early warning systems and calamity risk reduction.
  7. Collaborations and public-private partnerships to increase the scale of climate resilience solutions.
  8. Technology-driven initiatives aimed at enhancing climate resilience: ethical considerations and social consequences.
  9. Case studies illuminating the effects of effective climate resilience initiatives on sustainable development.
  10. Conceptual models and theoretical frameworks for understanding how science, technology, and innovation interact to create climate resilience.

Submission Guidelines: 

Interested authors are encouraged to submit original papers that relate to the special issue’s theme. The journal’s submission system should be used to submit manuscripts, and submission guidelines should be followed. Peer review will be used to verify the quality and applicability of submissions.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: 30 July 2024
  • Final Manuscript Due: 15 August 2024
  • Publication: 30 September 2024

Inquiries: Please contact the guest editors by email if you have any questions about the special edition.

We’re excited to hear from you and work together to advance sustainable development, research, and technology.


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